When your newborn isn’t sleeping, no one in the house is sleeping. But, when are newborn sleep issues just a common thing and when is it time to wave the red flag? Making the decision can be a little dicey, but there are several indicators that suggest you need to get professional help if you want to end your sleepless nights.
As a certified sleep consultant, I know when it’s time to call in the pros. That’s why I’m sharing some tips with you so that you and your family can get the rest you so desperately need and deserve.
Help! Newborn Sleep Issues That Need a Professional
If you think you’re riding the sleepy train solo, think again. Studies show that sleep problems affect 20 to 30 percent of newborns, infants, and toddlers. Many of the situations you’re experiencing right now are going on in many homes across the country.
So, what types of things are we talking about?
Take a look at this list. If any of these things are happening in your house regularly, you’ll want to talk to a professional certified sleep consultant pronto. If you have more than one going on, I feel for you, and am here to help!
Your Baby Constantly Wakes Up
It’s more common than not that your baby is going to wake up in the middle of the night, especially at the newborn stage. But, if your little one is waking up three or more times per night, every night, you could use some help, don’t you think? If they’re awake more than they’re asleep, it’s also time to call a professional.
Think about it.
When your baby wakes up, they just don’t cry, give a wave, and go back to sleep. It’s likely an entire process of crying, fussing, and maybe even a little tantrum thrown in there for fun. All of this while you’re staring at the clock, doing the math of when you need to be up, and asking when they are going to finally sleep for more than five minutes? A sleep consultant can teach you ways to get your baby to fall back asleep and stay that way for a good amount of time.
Your Baby Can’t Settle Down Without You
Does your baby rely on you to settle down? It’s okay to raise your hand! It happens more often than you would think. If your baby needs you to settle down or takes forever to get to that point where they can just fall asleep, calling a sleep consultant can help them get there on their own in less time.
While you or I can fall asleep when our head hits the pillow, the same is not true for babies, well at least most babies. Falling asleep is a skill that takes time to master. Babies need to learn how to do this, just like everything else. With the help of a sleep consultant, they can get there and you can get to sleep.
Your Sleep Training Methods Aren’t Working
If you’re listening to friends, following an app, and googling everything you can find, and nothing is working, it’s time to find something that will.
Certified sleep consultants have been trained for situations just like yours! They know unique techniques to help different situations since there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to getting your baby to sleep. They can teach you sleep training methods that you may have never heard of before. You may just need that one tip that can make a world of difference!
Your Baby is an Early Riser…Way Early
There’s nothing wrong with getting up early and wanting to get the most out of your day. But, some babies take this to the extreme. They’re up at 4 a.m. ready to run a 5K every day and you’re searching for the “on” button to your coffee maker.
When this happens once in a while it may not be so bad. But, if it’s more of the norm, and you’re feeling like a sloth 24/7, it’s time to call in the pros. A sleep consultant can address this issue and offer tips so that your baby can wait a little bit before starting their busy day.
You Are Absolutely Exhausted
If you are up all night, every night with your baby, and still need to function like an adult during the day, you’re going to be feeling it. When this keeps happening, your body is going to get run down. Not getting enough sleep regularly will impact your mood, work performance, and health. Your body will get more stressed. Bottom line, sleep deprivation is just not a good look for you. If you see this happening, call a sleep consultant. You’ll thank me later.
Your Baby is Experiencing Sleep Regression
Okay, so maybe you were one of the lucky ones whose newborn got the sleeping thing down right away. Then, suddenly, they’re out of whack. They’re waking up every hour, not falling asleep, etc.
What is happening?
Welcome to the land of sleep regression where babies experience disrupted sleep patterns and no one in the house sleeps. Developmental milestones can go hand in hand with sleep regression as well as other scenarios. No matter what is causing it, you can be left totally clueless if you’ve never dealt with newborn sleep issues like this before.
While sleep regression can be temporary, it can also last for a few months…sleepless months. If that’s the case and you need a little help to get over the hump, sleep consultants are available. During their certification courses, they’re taught how to deal with roadblocks, like sleep regression. They will have some ideas to share to help you make it through.
The Bottom Line
Newborn sleep issues are going to hit you hard. Whether your baby can’t fall asleep or wakes up every hour, no one is having fun. If they’re constantly happening, or you’re experiencing multiple issues at once, you’re going to want help from a professional sleep consultant. You can check out my baby sleep consulting services here and learn how I can help you and your family get the sleep you need.