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Baby Won’t Sleep!

Sleep deprivation… UGH. There’s a reason it’s commonly used as a form of torture! When your baby won’t sleep and you can’t get more than two or three hours of shut-eye at a time, it can

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Sleep Baby Sleep Advertising

Are you interested in advertising on Sleep, Baby, Sleep? Great! There a few different options available, but first let’s talk about the nitty gritty…my statistics.Page views and Unique Visitors Sleep, Baby,

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Free Clothes from ThredUp!

So if you haven’t heard of ThredUp it’s an awesome site – you can buy or conveniently sell excellent-quality women’s and kids clothing.  They’ve got everything from Gucci to Gap,

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gentle baby sleep consultant

your helping hand

Hi I’m Violet.

Registered Nurse, Author of “Baby Sleep Training In 7 Days”, and Professional Baby Sleep Consultant

Like a lot of parents, I’ve been exactly where you are right now. 

When my daughter Brianna was born, I was overjoyed to be a new mom. But things took a turn when she wouldn’t sleep at night. After almost a year, neither of us had slept more than two hours at a time, and I was so exhausted that I couldn’t show up as the mom I really wanted to be.

At my wit’s end, I used my medical background as a Registered Nurse to come up with a plan to help my baby sleep independently. Today, I’ve used that same plan to help thousands of families around the world start sleeping better — and I can’t wait to help you do the same!