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Time to Share!

Expert sleep advice from Dr. Jodi MindellIn this week’s Time to Share, I want to introduce someone who is an expert on sleep. With a list of credentials like hers,

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Time to Share!

This is probably the coolest tool out there. It’s a customized sleep report designed by sleep expert Dr. Jodi Mindell for Johnson’s baby. After answering a few questions, you will

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Time to Share!

With the time change this Sunday, I found this article on Baby Center I would like to share. “How time changes, vacations, and temperament will affect your baby’s schedule”

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Bragging Moms

Ugh… those annoying bragging moms. Now I’m not talking about proud moms. There’s a difference. We are all proud of our babies, as we should be. I am talking about

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Time to share! In effort to keep up with my blog, every week or so I will be posting something I would like to share with you. Something that I

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SIDS, Sudden infant death syndrome. Something no parent wants to even think about. But as a nurse there is no way I could not talk about this. I am a

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Cry it Out

Let me just get to the point, you should never let your baby cry it out! Watching or hearing your baby cry and you do nothing, that’s crazy!!! Ok now

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gentle baby sleep consultant

your helping hand

Hi I’m Violet.

Registered Nurse, Author of “Baby Sleep Training In 7 Days”, and Professional Baby Sleep Consultant

Like a lot of parents, I’ve been exactly where you are right now. 

When my daughter Brianna was born, I was overjoyed to be a new mom. But things took a turn when she wouldn’t sleep at night. After almost a year, neither of us had slept more than two hours at a time, and I was so exhausted that I couldn’t show up as the mom I really wanted to be.

At my wit’s end, I used my medical background as a Registered Nurse to come up with a plan to help my baby sleep independently. Today, I’ve used that same plan to help thousands of families around the world start sleeping better — and I can’t wait to help you do the same!